FAQ SupraZip

Here are some of the most frequently asked questions:

What is GZip format?
GZip is a format of pressed files being part of GNU. GZip is based on the Deflate algorithm (it is a combination of the LZ77 algorithms and Huffman). The extension of these files is. gz

What is TAR Format?
TAR (Tape ARchive) designates the format of archive under UNIX that underwent no compression.

What is ZIP format?
ZIP is a format of compression invented by Phil Katz for the software PKZIP. It is the format of compression the more used on the internet.

What is data compression?
The data compression is the manner to reduce the space occupied by a certain quantity of data.

WinZip or SupraZip?
WinZip is one of the soldest compression softwares but also the dearest. SupraZip makes as much otherwise better than WinZip for a lot less price


  • Compression and decompression for many formats: zip, gzip, tar, ..
  • Folder tree view
  • Create self-extracting archives

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SuprZip only costs 2 €

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