FAQ SupraZip
Here are some of the most frequently asked questions:
- What is GZip format?
- GZip is a format of pressed files being part of GNU. GZip is based on the Deflate algorithm (it is a combination of the LZ77 algorithms and Huffman). The extension of these files is. gz
- What is TAR Format?
- TAR (Tape ARchive) designates the format of archive under UNIX that underwent no compression.
- What is ZIP format?
- ZIP is a format of compression invented by Phil Katz for the software PKZIP. It is the format of compression the more used on the internet.
- What is data compression?
- The data compression is the manner to reduce the space occupied by a certain quantity of data.
- WinZip or SupraZip?
- WinZip is one of the soldest compression softwares but also the dearest. SupraZip makes as much otherwise better than WinZip for a lot less price
- Compression and decompression for many formats: zip, gzip, tar, ..
- Folder tree view
- Create self-extracting archives
SuprZip only costs 2 €
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